Revelation Community Management | 5 Essential Duties of Community Association Managers

5 Essential Duties of Community Association Managers

Posted by  on 
October 4, 2021
  • Essential Duties of Community Association Managers

Every board member and community stakeholder should have a good relationship with the community association manager (CAM).

The community association managers act as the face of the HOA Management Company and advise on key aspects of the association’s operations.

Read on about the essential duties of community association managers and how they steer the HOA management company to success.

1. They Undertake Administrative Duties

The community association managers overlook the overall operations and administration in the association while upholding the board policies. They govern the administrative documents and applicable federal laws and local and state regulations and negotiate and oversee HOA projects. Additionally, they manage the contractors and vendors working directly with the community association. They might administer insurance and negotiate on the rates and the coverage for the community association. They resolve any disputes which might arise between different members living in the community and set rules which maintain order. They attend meetings and prepare agendas to be discussed in the meetings.

2. They Maintain the Community Association

They maintain the buildings by overseeing the grounds maintenance, ensuring the buildings are in the best state. They might conduct inspections that ensure the buildings are in the best livable condition.

3. They Manage Finances

The community association managers oversee the finances and prepare and execute the association budget. They manage the financial reports, collect assessments and reserve the fund analysis. They also cover the billing, which ensures everything runs smoothly within the community association.

4. They Offer Customer Care Services

The community association managers are effective communicators, which is an ingredient for running the community successfully. The CAM should foster clear and prompt communication with other stakeholders in the community. They tackle community-related questions, concerns and comments which arise from the service providers, residents and management. They resolve the issues on time and while marinating a positive attitude towards the other stakeholders.

5. They Administer Justice and Maintain Fairness

Conflicts within a community association can arise, and the community association managers should resolve the arising issues with fairness. They should listen to both conflicting parties and offer just judgement. They should not play favorite offer, one community member, over another, leading to more conflicts within the community. They stay consistent in enforcing the rules and consequences for violating the regulations. Again, they should always be available within reason to solve any crisis which arises out of business hours. Since this is not a 9-5 job, the CAM should be available at all times as they are the contact between the residents and other stakeholders.

Final Thoughts

The community association managers play a crucial role in HOA management. They are the contact between the board and the management company and over most management duties. For instance, they conduct frequent property inspections to ensure they are in a livable condition. They foster better customer care services while marinating a positive outlook that propels the community to success. They are fair, which promotes peace within the community, leading to better outcomes for the community members and management. Again, they provide common services which ensure the community operates smoothly.

Elite Community Association Managers