Revelation Community Management | 6 Tips to Finding the Best Tenant for Your Rental Property

6 Tips to Finding the Best Tenant for Your Rental Property

Posted by  on 
December 8, 2021
  • Finding the Best Tenant for Your Rental Property

Your rental business should be profitable, and you can optimize the profits by choosing responsible tenants. However, getting responsible tenants might be challenging, and you should consult rental agents and use application forms to conduct background checks. These rental property tips might help you find responsible tenants.

Adhere With the Rental Laws

You should adhere to the rental laws in your state; for instance, you can start by reading the laws which govern the tenants and the landlords. You will make the right decisions when you know the rental laws. For instance, you can only discriminate against the tenants based on criminal history or financial factors. However, you will be in trouble if you discriminate against the tenants based on religion, race, gender, age, and family status. Moreover, the potential tenants should adhere to these rental rules to make it easy to conduct business.

Advertise the Rental Property

It might be better to pay legit advertising companies instead of a free website to advertise the rental properties. You will get serious tenants if you advertise the business on a legit advertisement platform. You can advertise the rental property in the local newspaper’s classified section, put fliers in public places, broadcast on your social media platforms, and ask friends and families to hand out referrals. You should then screen all tenants, including those referred by loved ones.

Use a Rental Application

The rental document will help collect personal information from potential tenants, and it can act as a background check tool. The document should request the tenant’s name, social security number, income sources and amounts, previous residence, and driver’s license number. You can include data like references, the number of children and pets, and the number of other people living in the house. The tenants should provide any information that will make the rental duration successful.

Require Tenant Insurance

The tenant should show the renter’s insurance when they move to your property, as it covers the cost of their personal belongings and the damage they might cause to your house. You can purchase landlord insurance to complement the renter’s insurance.

Do Background Checks

You should know a potential tenant’s history as the information might inform if they would be good renters. You can conduct a credit investigation that shows eviction, criminal records, and bankruptcies.

Clean and Set the House for the New Tenant

You can get quality tenants by keeping the house in good condition; thus, you should repair any problems in the house. Ensure you clean after a tenant vacates the house and paint areas with dull walls and ceilings. A well-maintained house will attract more potential tenants making it easy to choose the best ones.

Final Thoughts

Renting your property might be challenging, especially if you keep getting irresponsible tenants. You should adhere to the rental properties’ laws, conduct background checks on potential tenants, and ask them to get renters insurance. Moreover, the rental property should be cleaned after a tenant vacates the room to make it appealing. Then advertise the rental property, and use rental application forms to improve the chances of getting responsible tenants.