Revelation Community Management | Blog
  • rules and regulations for HOA

    The Rules of the Road for HOAs with Rules and Regulations We frequently are asked by our HOA (homeowners’ association) clients to review their rules and regulations. Boards are often granted the authority to adopt rules by the HOA’s governing documents, and even if not, North Carolina statutes authorize boards to enact rules and regulations. Within HOAs there exists a hierarchy of governing documents. At the top is the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (the Declaration), followed by …

  • HOA repair damage

    Two common questions for maintenance & repair in an HOA: Who’s going to fix it? And who’s going to pay for it? Question: As parts of the Southeast struggle in the wake of powerful storms, consider: Who would be responsible for repairing damage if a tree fell on your condo or townhouse? Who would pay?  The answers can be complicated. But they’re important, and you don’t want to wait for that hypothetical tree to come crashing down before you understand …

  • Fiduciary Duty HOA

    What does Fiduciary Duty mean for directors and officers of HOA? Question: The directors and officers of a homeowners’ association (HOA) are said to have a “fiduciary duty” to the members of the association that they serve. What exactly does that mean, and what do those directors and officers need to be aware of? Answer: In basic terms, a fiduciary is someone entrusted to make decisions on behalf of another, in a relationship involving a confidence of trust. In …

  • governing laws for HOA in south carolina

    Major changes for South Carolina HOA Laws This column was written by my law partner Cynthia Jones, who is licensed to practice in both North and South Carolina. There have been multiple attempts by the South Carolina Legislature over the years to enact laws concerning planned communities and homeowners’ associations (“HOAs”). Unlike North Carolina, until recently South Carolina had no laws for planned communities other than one pertaining to horizontal properties (condominiums). This year, legislation dealing with planned communities …

  • community management career

    Looking for a new career? Consider Community Management! With the explosive growth of residential development over the last 20 years or so in the greater Charlotte region (and elsewhere), there has been a tremendous increase in the number of community and condominium associations, commonly referred to as “HOAs.” While the members of some communities choose to manage their HOA themselves, the vast majority hire professional management companies to handle the administrative tasks involved in running an HOA, which include …

  • Alcohol at HOA events

    To Serve or Not to Serve…alcohol at HOA planned event. This week’s column was written by my law partner Kimberly Sullivan, whose practice is focused on liability and insurance defense and risk management. Question:  Our HOA is planning a fall party at the community clubhouse, and we want to serve (but not sell) alcohol.  How can we minimize our risk? Answer:  Selling alcohol at a community party would require a license from the local ABC board. You are free …

  • Short Term Rentals HOA

    Problems with Short-Term Rentals? Call a Town Hall Meeting. This column was authored by my colleague Allen Norwood.  Allen is a retired columnist and home editor for the Charlotte Observer.  He currently writes a column for the Observer’s weekly Home/Design section. If you’re concerned about short-term rentals in your neighborhood — and lots of you are, judging from my email inbox — it’s a good idea to call everybody in the community together for a meeting. No, not an official …

  • Financial Reports HOA

    Can my HOA charge me for copies of financial records? Question:  I asked permission to review my homeowners’ association’s financial records for the past three years. I literally had to show the board where in the North Carolina statutes it said I had that right to these records before they would provide them to me. I understand that the law allows the HOA to impose a “reasonable charge” for producing and/or copying the HOA’s records for my review. However, …

  • fraud-prevention-3188092_1920

    Spotting and Stopping Fraud and Embezzlement in Your HOA This week’s column was written by my colleague Courtney R. LaLone, CPA, with LBA Haynes Strand, PLLC in Matthews, North Carolina. His practice focuses on financial and tax advice to community and condominium associations. Fraud and embezzlement can cause a homeowners’ association’s (“HOA”) board of directors a lot of time, money, and energy. So how can the board prevent potential fraud or embezzlement before it occurs? The solutions are simple but …

  • mayor-917149_1920

    Can HOA board members be required to sign a Code of Conduct? Question:  Our HOA board has developed a code of conduct policy for board members. It specifically states that board members who violate it can be removed. Our bylaws include a specific process for removal of board members, based on a percentage vote of the members of the HOA. Can the board adopt a policy that conflicts with the bylaws? Answer:  I occasionally have HOA boards ask me to provide …