Revelation Community Management | HOA Parking Rules: What the Association Can and Cannot Enforce

HOA Parking Rules: What the Association Can and Cannot Enforce

Posted by  on 
July 26, 2022

If you’re an HOA member, then you know that parking can often be a source of conflict. What are the HOA’s parking rules? What can the HOA do to enforce them? In this blog post, we’ll provide an overview of HOA parking rules and what the association can and cannot do to enforce them.

One of the most common HOA parking rules is that vehicles must be parked in designated areas. This rule is typically enforced to ensure that all residents have equal access to parking and that vehicles are not parked in a way that blocks traffic or creates safety hazards. In order to enforce this rule, the HOA may have signage indicating where vehicles can and cannot be parked. The HOA may also have tow trucks on standby to remove any vehicles that are not in compliance with the rule.

Another common HOA parking rule is that residents can only park certain types of vehicles in designated areas. For example, some HOAs only allow passenger cars to be parked in residential areas and require RVs, trailers, and commercial vehicles to be parked in designated areas. This rule is typically enforced to minimize noise and visual pollution in the community. In order to enforce this rule, the HOA may have signage indicating what types of vehicles are allowed in each area. The HOA may also have tow trucks on standby to remove any vehicles that are not in compliance with the rule.

The last of the most prevalent kinds of parking regulations is when homeowners are restricted in how long they can park their vehicles before having them towed. For example, if there is a common parking lot on the HOA board may restrict cars from parking for a maximum of 24 hours. If the owner exceeds that time limit, the association has options. This is done to prevent junk cars from accumulating in the community.

In some cases, homeowners may only park within a certain area and on specific dates. For example, between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., homeowners may only park in the clubhouse parking lot.

The HOA’s parking rules are meant to ensure that all residents have equal access to parking and that vehicles are not parked in a way that creates safety hazards. By understanding what rules the HOA can and cannot enforce, you can help resolve any conflicts related to parking in your community.

We hope this blog post was helpful. If you have any questions about HOA Parking Rules, please don’t hesitate to contact us or give us a call at 704-583-8312.

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This blog post is not intended as legal advice. Please consult with an attorney for specific advice regarding your community’s HOA parking rules.