Revelation Community Management | Navigating the Homeowners Portal for Board Members

Navigating the Homeowners Portal for Board Members

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September 24, 2017
  • Homeowner Portal for Board Members

Navigating the Homeowners Portal for Board Members

Board members have different access abilities to the homeowners portal to assist with management of the association.

This webinar details how board members access and view key sections of the association website to get the overall information needed to run the association.  These sections include:

  1. Board ACC Review – review and comment and determine approval decision for changes made to a homeowners’ property – landscaping, outbuildings, additions, etc.
  2. Board Aging Report – a financial report showing where homeowners are in their payment status, when the last payment was received, how long non-payment has been carried.
  3. Board Dashboard – a more involved version of the board aging report, this shows where homeowners are in the collection process, filters for various levels, outstanding violations, outstanding work orders.
  4. Board Tasks – an option to use if board members want to track tasks assigned at meetings.
  5. Board Violations – detail report of current violations, any homeowners being fined.