Revelation Community Management | Role of Board Secretary

Role of Board Secretary

Posted by  on 
September 20, 2017
  • Board Secretary

Role of Board Secretary

The Board secretary is responsible for maintaining the association’s meeting minutes and official records. They are also responsible for providing proper notice of meetings, as well as distributing documents, such as official records, agendas and meeting minutes, on a timely basis to association members.

Watch the full webinar for further details on the specific duties of the board Secretary.

Summary of webinar:

  1. Keeps and maintains records of all meetings – board meetings, annual meeting, and any special meetings
  2. Custodian of most of the official records of the association – legal documents, minutes, etc.
  3. Allows access to records by members of the association and their authorized representatives – when there is a cause for review.

Watch the Webinar from HERE