Revelation Community Management | Blog
  • Posted by  on 
    September 20, 2017
    Board Secretary

    Role of Board Secretary The Board secretary is responsible for maintaining the association’s meeting minutes and official records. They are also responsible for providing proper notice of meetings, as well as distributing documents, such as official records, agendas and meeting minutes, on a timely basis to association members. Watch the full webinar for further details on the specific duties of the board Secretary. Summary of webinar: Keeps and maintains records of all meetings – board meetings, annual meeting, and …

  • homeowners portal

    Navigating the Homeowners Portal We provide a personalized homeowners portal for all of our communities! While it is simple to use, instructions are always nice to have. Watch the full webinar for all of the details on navigating the homeowner association portal. Secure login so the homeowner can view all the details of their private account. Name and account number on site verify login is correct Side menu options: ACC requests – provides the ability to submit a request …

  • Role of Board president and vice-president

    The Role of Board President & Vice-President The Board president leads the Board and is responsible for overseeing and handling a number of duties. In order to succeed in this role, the Board president must be knowledgeable about the community’s governing documents and have the ability to run an effective meeting.  The Board president serves as the authority on all association rules and governing documents and appoints committees as dictated by the community’s bylaws.  The Board vice president shares …

  • Preparing Association Budget

    Preparing the Association Budget 101 Adopting the budget is a crucial initiative for the Board of Directors. A budget is created to ensure that finances are properly accounted for and to serve as the basis for homeowner assessments. During this webinar, we walk board members through the entire process of preparing the budget. Summary of the full webinar: Reviews the 3 parts of a budget: Funds needed for daily operation Funds needed for reserves Funds for additions or enhancements Walks …

  • Being on the Board 101

    Being on the Board 101 Communities cannot function without a group of dedicated homeowners that are willing to become a board member and help run the association by serving on its homeowners’ association (HOA) board of directors. It might seem scary to join the board if you don’t know what a board member actually does, or what will be expected of you. This article will help you understand what’s commonly involved with serving on an HOA board. Watch our …

  • Board Treasurer Role

    Role of Board Treasuer The Board Treasurer has a wide range of responsibilities relating to the association’s finances. As with most board positions, the treasurer position is time-consuming and is one of the more critical and most scrutinized positions. While it’s dependent on the size of the community, the treasurer should be prepared to deal with a large-scale budget and complicated reserve funds. For smaller communities, the treasuer might have it a bit easier with creating or updating a …

  • Posted by  on 
    August 22, 2017
    Communicate Guarantee

    Our Communication Guarantee Customer support is the backbone of our business, and we know that lack of communication can quickly become the biggest source of frustration for Board members and homeowners alike which is why we created our One Business Day Guarantee. At the most, you will hear from us the next business day, unless this is an emergency, which immediate communication and resolution is what you can expect from us. Along with quick, efficient communication, we also offer …